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Kingscliff Library  
Kingscliff Library
Award of Excellence in the Graphic Representation of Architecture

QUT Faculty  
QUT Business Faculty Building
David Hoedmaker Juror Award




Brisbane International   
Brisbane International
Terminal Complex 
Award of Excellence in the
Graphic Representation of

Office, Bangkok   
Proposed Office Building
Bangkok, Thailand
Award of Excellence in the Graphic Representation of Architecture



Law Courts  
Commonwealth Law Courts
Award of Excellence in the Graphic Representation of Architecture




Hotel, New Zealand   
Proposed Hotel, New Zealand

Award of Excellence in the Graphic Representation of Architecture
© 2006 Jane Grealy and Associates
Jane Grealy and Associates 

The images represented here won recognition from the American Society of Architectural Perspectivists.

Click on the links to see the large image and read more about the work.

Other merits include:

1995 Finalist Telstra Business Women’s Award
1992 Finalist for the Queensland Employer
of the Year Award
1991 Finalist for the Queensland Employer
of the Year Award
1990 Fergies Award for Design Excellence
(for Jane Grealy corporate brochure)
1989 Queensland Tourist and
Travel Corporation Award
1989 Finalist for the Australian Tourism Awards
1989 Silver Award of the Brisbane Art Directors Club
